Monday, June 30, 2008

The way I belong~~

It has been the second month since I finished my last paper in Uni..
Still, I am jobless...
Although there are some interviews that I haven gone through,
I have yet found my ideal job...
Not because of I am too choosy...
Just that I hope to get a job that really suit me...
Instead of waiting, I think I have to find something to fulfill my free time..
So that I won't be out of this engineering world if I put aside my skills...
And therefore, I did a decision...

I think this is the best path for me in the moment...
I hope so...
And it will be my part of life for 2 to 4 years...
Hopefully it will be smooth for the moment...
And lead me to the way I should be..
And I am looking forward to achieve it in future...

**Wish myself good luck!!

~Long long path...~
Lead me to the way i should be..
And the place I belong..

Sunday, June 29, 2008

My WeekEnd ...

Since Nyian started his work at KL, I travel to KL every weekend just to meet him..
And it is the only time I can meet him once a week...
But I enjoy the moment spent at KL rather than having mushroom on my head in Malacca.

Lots of goodies I had during my weekend time..
Firstly, I met BIBI..Stephen's super cute doggie..
Who always like to stick to us when we reached Nyian's house..

Some precious moment with BIBI..

**started to miss my yaya di...:(

Thursday, June 26, 2008


等了将近一年。。 林宥嘉终于推出了首张个人专辑。。

歡迎光臨 ----林宥嘉音樂生命正式啟程

一張充滿神秘驚喜的專輯 11首一聽再聽的好歌
◎專輯收錄11首好歌,李泉/林夕/小宇/彭學斌/陳小霞/施人誠/鄭楠/陳信延,王牌新秀華語圈頂尖音樂人 聯手精心調製音樂精品,不可思議的非凡精采,不同流俗的盎然詩意 。

2.神秘嘉賓MV -耗資百萬,出動四百張椅子和近三層樓高紅布幕,歷時二天拍攝,規格媲美迷你電影。


Bo Le 伯乐 - 林宥嘉Lin You Jia

Friday, June 20, 2008

BAck in Action~~!!

hey hey guys..
Shijixue is finally back on action..
sorry for disappearing..
From hometown(kuching) to Malacca...
And soon..I not sure where the place I belong to..
Jobless jobless..
Wish all my friends (those who already started their work & those who still finding for one)..
Good luck Good luck..
And miss u all lotzz!!!

Keep in touch ya.!!